New editions of textbooks
will be released in Vietnam

Biology class in a local primary school
We have been creating an environmental education material for primary students. On this occasion, we hear the important news that New Resolution No. 51/2017/QH14 on the schedule for changing textbooks and school curriculums in Vietnam was issued by Vietnamese National Congress on November 21, 2017, which affirms the time for application new text book and curriculum is no later than 2020 – 2021 for primary school, 2021 – 2022 for junior high school and 2022 – 2023 for high school.

Our Last Three Months

Project staff explaining about the questionnaire
in survey at local school in Oct, 2017
In Vietnam, we need to get an approval from local government and the Vietnamese Union of Science and Technology Association (VUSTA) for implementing a project. Viet Nature has got approvals from related local governments, but we are still waiting for approval from the VUSTA. Two young staff (Tran Ly & Ngo Dung) are hired for the project, and are going to be trained through the project activities. Young staff conducted surveys of needs in environmental education in the target schools in Oct, 2017, and 38 teachers participated in the surveys. Staff from Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF) and BirdLife International Tokyo visited three schools in Dec. 2017, and discussed the key content and structure of environmental education material which will be developed for the project. Please have a look at our project activities through the video.


A lesson of Nature and Society subject at local school.
Local community around the project site is forest dependent, therefore illegal hunting and logging are deep-rooted habits of adults, which would affect the perception of their children. Also, local school students are shy and timid in the company of other people and social activities. In this project, we would like to help them take part in environmental activities to have more confidence in that. Other difficulty is that target schools are located in remote area, where teachers, project staff and experts are struggling to reach the schools.

Our Next Three Months

Experts from SATO YAMA UMI project visiting local school in Dec, 2017
For the next 3 months, two young staff will focus on organizing schedule to develop environmental education materials (text book).