The first memorable
Cambodia Bird Fair was held !

Over 3,000 people came to visit the first Cambodia Bird Fair

Colouring competition

Poster of SATO YAMA UMI Project

Commemorative photo with the Under Secretary of
state of the Ministry of Environment
The first memorable Cambodia Bird Fair was held at 17th & 18th March 2018.
BirdLife Cambodia Programme co-hosted this bird fair.
The bird fair aims to raise public awareness for wildlife conservation and potential ecotourism, get people together to start thinking and acting for the environment, and promote the beauty of Cambodian natural heritage for ecotourism to the local communities as well as foreign visitors.
Other key organizers of this Bird Fair are Ministry of Environment, NatureLife Cambodia, Cambodia Bird Guide Association and Sam Veasna Center. There are also more than 10 bird clubs, NGOs and tourist agencies participated this event. In addition to this, there were wide ranges of participants from various countries such as China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar etc.
There were many environmental programs including bird photography competition and bird painting competition, presentation on bird conservation / Ecotourism focus on bird watching.
Mlup Baitong & JEEF exhibited booth and explained the teaching materials that are developing by the Sato Yama Umi Project. We also introduced the project to Under Secretary of state of the Ministry of Environment.
Please enjoy our short movie “The first memorable Cambodia Bird Fair”.

Activities by Birdlife Cambodia Programme

Training for local school teachers
In the last three months, we were developing and printing the awareness materials (leaflet and T-shirt). These materials are created for people to understand the value of ecosystem service of Beoung Prek Lapouv (BPL) and Anlung Pring (AP) and negative impacts of using chemical pesticide. Leaflet will be delivered for local community and kids. Footage for developing education film have completed and first draft of this film was circulated to improve.
We have worked with Mlup Baitong to finalise the educational kit. Moreover, we organized a training course for teachers from two local primary schools (Songkom MeanChey and Kdol Chroum) to use the educational kit to teach. Follow up meetings have been conducted with a director of Borie Chulsa district education office and school principle in order to ensure the training will be done based on schedule and not affect the official school curriculum. After the training, the actual lesson has started at both primary schools since March 2018.
Field study to core area of Beoung Prek Lapouv protected landscape were organize for Grade 6 and teachers in purpose to provide the opportunity to see wetland habitat and the cranes. During this study visit, we also trained kids how to use binocular, habitat observation, and birding around protected landscape. To make this excursion more interesting and concentrate, drawing competition was organized. Then we selected the top ten and provided small rewards
“Welcome to birds” was organized in February 2018 in collaboration with NatureLife Cambodia, this education event was not only promote local kids to pay attention in the cranes and wetland conservation but also provide opportunity for 11 university students from two universities to interact with education and conservation activities.
During the next three months, we are going to follow up with teachers from both primary schools about their teaching progression. Teaching material and document will be provided for supporting the teaching activities. We will finalise the leaflet and T-shirt to encourage local communities and students to understand the negative impacts of using chemical pesticides. Education film about biodiversity value and ecosystem service of BPL and AP will be finalised in April. The farmer at AP now started to plow their land for growing, thus we also plan to conduct awareness raising program about pesticide and waste management.

Activities by Mlup Baitong

Teachers training

Environmental education lesson

Within these three months period, the SATO YAMA UMI project are continuing to implement its activities according to the overall work plan. The first draft of all 10 environmental education lessons, the material and guidelines for providing to junior secondary school students were discussed and prepared by the working group (WG).
At the same time, the former key teachers and education officer shares their experiences to the new key teachers on environmental education lessons and how to use materials during provide training to students. After that, the key teachers in target primary schools have been providing further training on environmental education of the first four lessons to their students with the total participation of 734 students which are 351 female students.
The two eco-clubs have been formed in two target schools (Phum Chres and Thmor Boeuk). Those eco-club members actively participate with their teachers in producing and displaying some environmental education signs in their target schools too.
For the next three month, the project will continue to facilitate the WG for second review, finalizing the developing of environmental training material and guideline and conduct trial training for junior secondary school. The project will continue to support the trained teachers to provide further environmental education to the target students the rest of the lesson according to their plan. On the other hand, the project will facilitate a study visit for student and teachers to visit Anlong Pring Sarus Crane conservation site.