Environmental education guidebook
has been completed!

Sarus cranes came to Anlung Pring (AP) and Boeng Prek Lapov (BPL) again this year.
And, at the same time as their visit, the environmental education guidebook for junior high school students, which aims to conserve sarus cranes, has been completed.
The guidebook has been constructed with ten chapters, such as “biodiversity and ecosystem”, “sarus cranes and their habitats”, “wetland” and “waste reduction”.
In order to develop the guidebook, we had meetings with junior high school teachers, the members of education bureau again and again.
This guidebook contains the wish “we would like to conserve the habitats of sarus cranes and leave this rich nature and culture to the future”.
This project has one year left.
For the rest of the period, we will focus on the utilization of the guidebook and would like to carry on the environmental education in junior high schools.

Activities by Birdlife Cambodia Programme

Students are reading the EE material
Environmental Education Program
In the last three months, we have continued monitoring the teaching progression of local teachers in two target primary schools in BPL. Environmental Education material (EE material) and stationary for painting and teaching were provided to support the teaching program.

The gift made by the students in AP were given to the teachers in BPL

Meeting to share the suitable teaching methods
for Environmental education class in AP and BPL
On 29 January 2019, we organized a study trip for Grade 4-6 teachers and school principles of two target schools of BPL (Kdol chhrum primary school and Sangkum Meanchey primary school) to AP protected landscape. With support from a field staff of Mlup Baitong, this trip was also participated by an educational officer of Borie Chhoulsa district educated office. The objective of the trip was to provide opportunities for teachers and officer to exchange the environmental teaching methods and knowledge with experienced teachers in AP. Besides school visiting, the teachers also visited AP Head Quarter to see Sarus Cranes. The teachers participated the trip from BPL, brought back home the new knowledge of teaching method, Eco-club activity and school waste control system.

The film show at the secondary school in Antropeng Chhuk

Students wearing the Sarus Crane costume at the film show
Sarus Crane Film
We have made the Sarus Crane film in the first year. It addresses the wetland ecosystem service and the importance of Sarus Crane link to their daily living. The Sarus Crane film shows were organized in the local schools and communities in BPL and AP. About 200 villagers from several villages of BPL joined the show. In addition, this film shows were also organized at primary and secondary schools of BPL and AP with total of participation 270 students. At the end of each film show, we made sure that students and villagers have understood the contents of the film and took the key message home.
World Wetland Day
On 2nd February 2019, we celebrated the World Wetland Day event at Kdol Chhroum primary school, Borei Chhulsa District, Takeo province. It was presided by H.E. Tea Chhup, under Secretary of State of Ministry of Environment, and H.E. Moeng Vuthy, deputy governor of the Takeo province. The main objective of this event is to share the knowledge about wetland and climate change and motivate all participants to engage in wetlands protection.There were around 300 participants including decision makers from Ministry of Environment, representative of local Authorities, local NGOs and local people. Contents of the event were keynote speeches, role play and poem descripted about importance of wetland and sustainable, and Sarus Crane film show. APSARA TV also showed up to capture this special event for media release.

Meeting with Kampong Trach District Heath Centre
for requesting to use their disposal system
Agriculture Hazardous Waste Management
Based on the protocol we have created for agricultural hazardous waste management, the waste storing box was designed. We will install the boxes at seven sites based on the ground check. We owed it to the commune chief to have a meeting with director of commune health centre to seek a collaboration in waste disposing. Based on the results of this meeting, the second meeting with director of Kampong Trach district hospital was held to discuss about the current capacity of hazardous waste disposing system. Now we have understood that the disposing system at the hospital needs to be repaired, and the hospital needs to get approval from the district governor to allow us to use the dispose waste system.
Invasive Species Control
Post flooding Mimosa Pigra removal controlling was delayed to reduce the Sarus Crane disturbance at their feeding ground in BPL. However, it was too late to remove the invasive species due to its stems regrow and spread during none flooding season after the Sarus Crane had left.
Our project team will continue monitoring and supporting teachers in Kdol Chhrum and Songkum Meanchey Primary school in BPL. We also continue to organize the film show at target villages and schools in both sites. Completing second printing of the EE material (at least 200 copies) and will provide them to the schools. Developing, finalising and setting Sarus Crane signboards at strategic points and target primary schools of AP to motivate agriculture hazardous waste collection and minimise the disturbance. We are also going to send an official letter to the Kampong Trach District hospital for allowing us to use their disposal system. We will ask the permission from householders to install waste storing boxes in their rice field. Organizing a meeting to encourage local people to collect their hazardous waste to store in the boxes. We are planning to conduct Mimosa removal activities in July or August (Early flooding) and early November 2019 (post flooding and before Sarus Crane coming).

Activities by Mlup Baitong

Mlup Baitong and JEEF visited the project targeted schools with the staff of ministry of environment in Cambodia.
During the visit, we mainly asked about the activities and problems towards recognition of Eco School, and also talked about the improvement points with the teachers.
They recognized intangible factors such as environmental education and formulation of activity plan, however, they pointed out that there was problems with tangible factors such as toilets and water service system.
We would like to make strategies together with the principal and the teachers towards recognition of Eco-school.
In addition, we reported the progress of the project to the director of ministry of environment in Cambodia, and she told us that she expected the project would be developed more in the future.
We are going to 1) distribute environment education guidebooks (500 student books and 50 teacher guides) to nine target schools and other related organizations; 2) support the target schools to implement Eco-school activities; 3) support trained teachers to provide further trainings on environment lesson to the target students; 4) support the target schools to conduct meetings to discuss and review the implementation of the Eco-school; and 5) monitor the target schools’ performance against the national eco-school guideline.